For financial services

Planning for climate risk, biodiversity risk and nature risk while growing your business and improving your ESG credentials and performance.

For financial services

We’ll work with you to shape and embed your organisation’s approach to sustainability. We’ll draw on our deep expertise of transition across key sectors, and our practical experience of embedding change in a wide range of financial services organisations.

Climate risk

Using our extensive climate and risk management capability, we will help you to design and embed industry-leading climate risk management capabilities throughout all business lines and across all risk types – from credit and investment risks through to greenwashing risk.

  • Climate risk framework design and implementation—address regulatory expectations, and embed capabilities that are appropriate for the size and complexity of your business and your risk profile.
  • Climate scenario analysis—developing climate scenario modelling capabilities, and leveraging our strategic partnership with BlackRock on climate analytics.
  • Climate risk data and MI strategy—to support commercially relevant discussion with your board, senior management and business lines.
  • Political risk analysis—anticipate potential transition policy intervention by governments, and use that intelligence to inform both your climate risk management and net zero strategy.

Net zero

Our deep sector and technology experts can help you define and execute your net zero strategies—across a wide range of high-emitting sectors from oil & gas and power, through to steel, shipping and agriculture—enabling you to grow your business through financing the transition to net zero.

  • Net zero target setting and programme execution—to make commitments that align with transition pathways that are specific to the sectors and regions in which you operate.
  • Designing and embedding net zero steering tools—deliver on your net zero commitments through your financial planning and performance measurement processes.
  • Engaging with your clients on transition—assessing the credibility of their transition plans, enabling your relationship managers to work with your clients to identify opportunities to finance their transition journeys. Front office transition finance strategy and carbon markets advisory support—to grow your business through financing the transition to net zero.
  • Climate training and capability building for staff across all functions and business lines—embedding climate considerations throughout the fabric of your business.

Sustainability and ESG

Our ESG experts will help you navigate the complex landscape of ESG and sustainability regulation and broader stakeholder expectations; how it aligns to your company purpose, and incorporates net zero and climate considerations as well as broader environmental and social consideration.

  • Sustainability and ESG strategy—defining your north star for sustainability, and building your sustainability strategy around that north star.
  • Embedding sustainability throughout operating models—grow understanding how your business will need to change to achieve the sustainability strategy, and successfully embed in your business.
  • Sustainable finance—creating robust frameworks, policies and controls which support you in demonstrating your commitment to sustainable finance, and measuring the outcomes.
  • Sustainable product development—from SFDR Article 9-aligned funds, through supporting mortgage customers to retrofit their homes, we can support you with new product development.
  • ESG data—to understand the complex landscape of metrics, KPIs and ESG data enabling you to gain insights to drive decision making and control, govern and report to stakeholders.
  • Sustainable procurement and supply chains—addressing the ESG risks presented by your purchased goods and customer supply chains.

Biodiversity and nature

We help you extend existing work on climate and net zero to encompass nature and biodiversity, understanding what capabilities you already have and what you need to add. Through this, we will support you to identify and assess the distinct range of risks, impacts and dependencies nature can present to financial portfolios, and how this informs natural capital financing opportunities.

  • Objective-setting—exploring your ambitions on risk management, impact and opportunity as well as external drivers such as disclosure and target- setting.
  • Heatmapping—identify likely areas of nature risks and impacts, stimulating high-quality discussion and understanding of the implications of nature risk for your business.
  • Scenarios and data—utilising qualitative scenarios to develop a forward-looking view of risks and impacts and better understand your future data needs to make concrete progress on your nature and biodiversity risk journey.
  • Design and assessment of TNFD—helping you develop Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures aligned disclosure including recommended metrics, enabling you to engage positively with your investors and society.
  • Commercial strategy design—identify commercial opportunities to finance a nature-positive world.

For energy and resources

Adapting your operating models to build a low-carbon business that will deliver sustainable competitive advantage far into the future.

For energy and resources

Our sector experts are working with industry leaders in energy and resources who share our appreciation for the opportunities of a low carbon world. We can help you measure and reduce your impact on the climate today, adapt your operating models to the demands of the market tomorrow, and run a low-carbon business that will deliver sustainable competitive advantage far into the future.

Revolutionary emissions measurement and reporting

We take a rigorous approach to reporting, getting you the timely, accurate, granular and comprehensive emissions data you need to build a credible and successful transition strategy. We draw on our sector experience, comprehensive data analytics capabilities and carbon accounting skills to:

  • develop emissions calculation methodologies tailored to your business and your specific challenges
  • identify the data inputs and outputs required to provide actionable insights and create data solutions that deliver frequency, accuracy and granularity to help you make proactive decisions
  • calculate product carbon footprints.

Integrated emissions management

Almost every operational and even commercial decision that you make has an impact on your carbon footprints. We’ll help you actively optimise your scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by:

  • leveraging data and implementing frameworks to actively manage emissions
  • adapting your operating models and digitising your processes
  • identifying and selecting emissions measurement and reduction technologies to achieve the greatest impact at the lowest cost.

Carbon markets and opportunity creation

The carbon market is due to be bigger than oil in the future. But what should your organisation do now, and in three and ten years’ time? We help you understand how carbon markets relate to your operations, and make the risks and opportunities clear. We can support you by:

  • creating an accurate view of trading flows (supply and demand pools) and growth in both compliance and voluntary markets
  • embedding carbon trading into trading portfolios
  • showing you market insight on carbon pricing
  • embedding internal carbon pricing across your organisation.

Credible transition planning and net zero strategy

The energy and resources sector has unique needs when it comes to net zero commitments and transition plans. We have the experience to help you understand your commitments and build meaningful plans that you can deliver on. We’ll support you by:

  • developing emissions forecasting at asset level, highlighting hotspots for reduction and showing you how to achieve quick short-term wins identifying and quantifying the strategic decisions you’ll need to make for longer-term decarbonisation
  • creating transparent and realistic transition plans that align to sectoral pathways, your business strategy, and recognised frameworks like the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
  • Articulating financial transition plans to ensure cost-efficient funding for current and future investments.

For corporates

Understanding emissions, assessing risks, supporting disclosures, and developing and delivering roadmaps for transition and adaptation.

For corporates

We’ll work with you to understand your emissions, assess risks to support your strategy and the disclosures you need to make, set science-based targets, and develop and deliver roadmaps for transition and adaptation. We do this for clients in all sectors, from retailers through telecoms and pharmaceutical businesses to consumer goods brands.

Emissions measurement

We help you measure your emissions (and the impact) right across scope 1, 2 and 3. And we go a step further by investigating the underlying causes in detail. So you get a deeper understanding when you’re evaluating transition risks and abatement roadmaps.

Climate scenario analysis and risk quantification

Together, we’ll study future scenarios, choose an appropriate scenario framework, and show how you can apply it to your operations. This helps you quantify the risks associated with carbon pricing and policies, market shifts and disruptions, changing consumer preferences, investor and lender climate risk appetite, and cost of capital. We help structure and draft climate risk disclosures—like TCFD reports—and embed the risk measurement and mitigation internally.

Energy procurement

We help you decarbonise the energy you use by procuring renewable power and heat, developing onsite generation and storage, and switching fuel for industrial processes. We perform cost-benefit analysis, support commercial strategy and engagement, and run tender processes.

Decarbonising buildings and fleets

Our energy experts can help you drive down emissions by showing you detailed options to make your buildings more efficient, including changes to your heating and cooling systems. We can help plan and optimise the transition to more sustainable vehicle fleets, pairing our logistics and field force expertise with our understanding of vehicle, charging and fuelling options and procurement. After modelling, we’ll define the commercial strategies and deployment options to deliver efficiently.

Net zero roadmaps and credible transition plans

We’ll help you picture the whole trajectory of how to reach net zero. Starting from emissions measurement, we’ll use our net zero models to show you which assets and processes to focus on, and the procurement, technology and process options available. We can model costs and benefits to meet different levels of ambition, and show you detailed pathways for the cost and impact of abatement options over time. We’ll define science-based targets, and get your stakeholders and people on board with clear, effective communications.

Carbon markets

We’ll help you understand how engaging in carbon markets and procuring carbon credits can fit into your overall net zero strategy. To do that, we help you:

  • set a procurement strategy
  • find trading opportunities
  • understand different types of carbon markets
  • assess the quality and pricing of different types of carbon credits
  • understand the interaction with other sustainability metrics and goals.

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