Contact Laura

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At a glance:

Joined Baringa in

Works across
Decarbonisation and sustainability for mineral and energy value chains

What’s something that would surprise people about you, or that your colleagues don’t know?
I’m rapidly becoming a gardening geek, and getting to be far too much of a regular at my local garden centre

In detail:

Laura leads Baringa’s Metals and Mining team, with a focus on the decarbonisation and future sustainability of mining assets and products. She is motivated and deeply passionate about solving how these industries can transform themselves to both contribute to and enable a global and just energy transition.  

Laura has over a decade of consulting experience for mining and related asset-intensive industries, spanning strategy and business plan development, complex programme delivery, market analysis and regulatory impact assessment. Her career so far has taken her to Europe, the Middle East and Africa, working with energy and mining majors across global portfolios, learning about varied team engagement and delivery styles across locations.  

In recent years, Laura’s work has focused on assessing emerging energy technologies, developing product demand scenarios, assessing emissions footprints and developing decarbonisation pathways. This includes helping her clients to understand their current position, before plotting a course of action to improve in the way that best suits their organisation’s objectives, operating model and culture, ensuring that changes stick and enable long-lasting success. 

Outside the office, Laura lives in London with her family and is an avid sports enthusiast. She can often be found entering her next over-ambitious swimming, biking or running challenge. 

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