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"All too often, it’s obscure to my clients where technical debt and emerging risks are being introduced through their major transformation programmes. Firms will continue to invest heavily in digital, data and technology capabilities, hence must consider how to organise themselves in this new era to protect the value that they are trying so hard to create."

At a glance:

Joined Baringa

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Chosen superpower
Speeding up or slowing down time – depending on the occasion

In detail:

A prolific writer and speaker at industry roundtables, Dan is a trusted voice in both data privacy, risk management and regulation. Helping clients across sectors to employ proportionate, practical, and pragmatic solutions, he keeps everyone safe.

Dan’s early experience lies in financial services, where he worked as a quant creating risk transfer models. It was this regulatory and data experience which then took him into the world of data privacy and security, and later into the broader space of data, digital and tech risk.

Clients appreciate Dan for solving real problems rather than suspected or perceived ones. He gets right to the crux of the burning platform before deciding the best sequence of actions, whether that’s ‘emptying the bath water or turning the tap off’. Both have their merits and benefits, but not always in equal measure.

He’s happiest when working the typical Baringa way: pulling a team of geeky experts together from risk & regulation, cyber, data and tech transformation; people who get a kick out of cracking tough challenges together. Without having to worry about barriers internal to Baringa, full focus goes on what’s right for the client. An approach that’s rewarded by trust and loyalty from Dan’s clients and that elevates relationships beyond transactional.

When he’s not busy running around after his three young children, Dan finds energy to get more exercise in the gym. Once the kids are tucked up in bed, Dan retires to the sofa – either to binge a series or peruse a good book.

Insights from Daniel Golding

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