This year Baringa was named one of the World’s Best Management Consulting Firms by Forbes. The ranking is arrived at though a series of surveys run with the clients of consulting companies across the UK, the US, Germany, Switzerland, France and Japan, closely reflecting our global footprint across Europe, the US, APAC and Australia.

Baringa was recognised for its sector expertise and was recommended across a number of categories, notably Banks, Insurance and Financial Institutions; Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals; Consumer Goods and Retail; Energy and Environmental; Healthcare and Life Sciences, IT and Telecommunications; and Internet, E-Commerce and Media.  

We were also recommended in a number of functional areas including Data Analytics and Big Data; IT Strategy and Implementation; Procurement and Supply Chain; and Strategy.  

A particular highlight was being frequently recommended in the area of Sustainability, reflecting our long heritage in and focus on this space, which was independently verified earlier this year through our B-Corp certification.

The accolade comes at a time of international expansion for Baringa. The firm has recently opened new offices in Munich and Berlin, complementing its long-standing presence in Düsseldorf. In the US, the firm has opened a new office in Charlotte, North Carolina, adding to its existing hubs in New York, Chicago and Houston. In New York, the team has also moved to a new, larger location to support its expanding team and customer base.

To learn more about how Baringa can support your business in these locations please contact, Jochen Herrmann for Europe, Brad O’Brien for the US, Christian Dose for APAC and Pete Sherry for Australia.

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