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"I’ve never seen a more exciting time than this in the energy market. Our clients are facing some of their biggest challenges, but also their biggest opportunities to completely change their businesses to be ready for a decarbonised world. And we’re excited to partner with them on that journey."

At a glance:

Joined Baringa in

Works across
Oil & gas, power utilities and commodity trading houses

Job in another life
Music producer

In detail:

Nick leads Baringa’s global energy and commodities trading business. He’s spent more than 20 years working as an advisor to oil & gas, power utilities and commodities trading houses in Europe, the US and Asia-Pacific Region.

For Nick, the energy market is at the core of everything we do. We’re all physical consumers of energy, and we all have an interest in how the market works. And now, the energy market is the front line, as decarbonisation and climate change are set to fundamentally change the way society produces, transports and consumes this important commodity.

Nick and his team make sure their clients in the wholesale energy market are ready. So, they have the right hedging and trading strategies, can manage their risk and organise themselves more effectively in this new reality. That involves a lot of listening, so Nick and his team can understand the complex challenges their clients are facing and break them down into manageable parts. Here, Nick puts his experience to work, giving his clients the necessary insight to find the right solutions quickly.

After over two decades at Baringa, Nick’s incredibly proud of the way his team has expanded into other regions and developed into a genuinely global business. When clients need advice, the team can come together, from North America to Singapore, to solve problems on a global level.

Nick’s philosophy is “Active body, healthy mind”. Which explains why he’s such an avid cyclist, spending many hours each week biking around Surrey or, when it’s time for a robust challenge, over the mountain ranges of Europe. If he wasn’t working as a consultant, he’d probably be a music producer. He already plays multiple instruments, is in a rock band and writes and remixes electronic dance music in his spare time. So, if you’re looking for a revamped version of your favourite 80’s song, he’s your guy.

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