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"Our clients tell us they need both, transaction / strategy experience and deep expertise in the target sector they are looking at. Baringa’s unique structure enables us to differentiate by providing blended teams of sector experts with transaction or strategy specialists."

At a glance:

Joined Baringa in

Works across
Transaction Advisory and Growth Strategy, with businesses and investors

Favourite place
Space, the final frontier

In detail: 

Chet started his career in software development. Moving next to a large consultancy, he worked across multiple sectors on strategy and operating model engagements. After a career break to study for a management degree, he worked at a global investment bank, advising private equity clients and learning about valuation and strategy. 

Chet joined Baringa in 2011 and now leads our Transaction Advisory and Growth Strategy practice working with Corporate and Private Equity clients on commercial due diligence (buy and sell-side) and growth strategy engagements.

Chet’s experience covers a wide range of sectors with the majority of his work focussed on B2B/B2C Technology and Services businesses operating in these areas. It’s his job to understand what the client needs and then bring the ‘best of Baringa’ to them. From his side he brings a wealth of transaction and strategy experience and couples this with the deep subject matter expertise from Baringa’s sector teams. 

Outside work, Chet is married with two children. He’s currently enjoying introducing them to Star Trek, 80s music and an appreciation for fine trainers. He has directed his mid-life crisis towards learning calisthenics, understanding the intricacies of Cuban cigars, practicing latte art, and turning his hand to a little bit of writing on the side. He is actively negotiating with his wife for a motorcycle but that seems unlikely if we are being honest.

Insights from Chetan Chhatwal

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